Former Acting Governor Mark Singel reflects on leading Pennsylvania, state of politics today

Former Acting Governor Mark Singel reflects on leading Pennsylvania, state of politics today

(WHTM) – For a record six months, Mark Singel served as Pennsylvania’s Acting Governor while Governor Bob Casey Sr. underwent a heart-liver transplant.

“It was jarring, I remember that distinctly,” Singel told Dennis Owens on This Week in Pennsylvania.

Elected Lieutenant Governor in 1986, Singel had a long career in Pennsylvania politics serving in the State Senate, as Chair of the Pennsylvania Democratic Party, and running for both U.S. Senate and Governor.

Singel says finishing the budget as Acting Governor and reforming worker’s compensation were two of the biggest things he accomplished while Casey was recovering.

His career evolved into working as a lobbyist, an analyst, and an author of three books. His most recent book is called “Seeking Truth in America.” He began writing as a columnist in 2015 during the 2016 presidential campaign and described the time as “very chaotic and very tumultuous.”

“And I wanted to speak just as an average American saying ‘this is not normal, and you don’t have to accept this. And you ought to at least seek truth from your elected officials.’ And that was the theme that emerged.”

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