Harmony Road construction traffic would be helped by zipper merging

Harmony Road construction traffic would be helped by zipper merging

If you ever needed to embrace the zipper merge, now is the time when driving Fort Collins’ busiest road into the city from Interstate 25.

Unless you prefer to wait even longer in traffic on Harmony Road, which will continue under construction with reduced lanes for the next month.

At present, crews are milling (removing part of the existing asphalt pavement to prepare for repaving) lanes, resulting in lane reductions from about Corbett Drive east to near Interstate 25. There are signs to warn drivers of lane reductions.

Work will continue to move along Harmony Road, so zipper merging is essential to keep traffic moving.

Zipper merging is not “cutting in line,” and has proven to improve traffic flow when drivers do it correctly.

Here are the benefits of zipper merging and how to properly execute it, according to various highway safety organizations.

What is a zipper merge?

Whenever there’s a lane reduction ahead, drivers in the lane that is ending should fill that lane until merging is necessary. This way, cars fill all lanes up to the closure, instead of stacking up in a long line in one lane, which reduces traffic flow.

Does zipper merging really improve traffic flow?

The Colorado Department of Transportation encourages the practice when done safely. CDOT says it reduces delays by up to 40% in heavily congested areas. Sometimes, the department posts signs to remind drivers to use it.

It also has proven to reduce crashes in construction zones.

Vehicles stack up on Harmony Road just east of Interstate 25 due to construction on Harmony Road in Fort Collins on Tuesday.

Vehicles stack up on Harmony Road just east of Interstate 25 due to construction on Harmony Road in Fort Collins on Tuesday.

Here are tips on how to make zipper merging efficient

  • Vehicles should fill all traffic lanes as long as possible.

  • At the merge point, those in the through lane have the right of way and aren’t required by law to let you merge but are encouraged to do so.

  • Use your blinkers to indicate you wish to merge.

  • Make eye contact with the driver of the thru-lane vehicle to make sure they are willing to let you merge.

  • Be courteous and give a thank-you wave when allowed to merge.

Coloradoan reporter Rebecca Powell contributed to this report.

This article originally appeared on Fort Collins Coloradoan: Embrace the zipper merge to contend with Harmony Road construction

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