commemoration ceremony - Global pulse News
  • French Prime Minister Attal commemorates D-Day veterans

    French Prime Minister Attal commemorates D-Day veterans

    French Prime Minister Gabriel Attal honoured the soldiers who became part of the Normandy landings as heroes, at an event on Juno beach as the world honors the 80th anniversary of the operations that assisted end The second world war.

    “Our appreciation is everlasting,” stated Attal on Thursday at a Canadian celebration event in the beachside town of Courseulles-Sur-Mer. “France will always remember those who craved her.”

    Attal called the veterans “heroes,” “figures of guts” and “faces of liberty” and pledged to keep the memory of them and their fallen pals alive.

    Attal stated he became part of a generation that had actually matured without war, a generation that in some cases forgets how vulnerable democracy and liberty are.

    He stated he comes from a generation that is continuously being advised of what it owes to those who left whatever behind to combat for liberty at their age.

    With war now having actually gone back to Europe, it was essential to listen to the lessons of history, Attal stated.

    The event marking the 80th anniversary of the landing of Allied soldiers in Normandy was likewise participated in by Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Britain’s Prince William.