8th grader saves bus full of students when driver passes out, Wisconsin school says

Kansas City Star

An eighth grade student’s composure amid a medical emergency on a Wisconsin school bus saved everyone on board from a potential tragedy, school officials said.

On April 24, a school bus driver experienced a medical event causing her to lose consciousness and veer into oncoming traffic, Glen Hills Middle School principal Anna Young said in a letter to families.

“What easily could have resulted in tragedy was avoided due to the quick thinking of 8th grade student, Acie Holland III,” Young said.

Recognizing that the driver passed out, Holland “rushed to move her foot off the gas, applied the brake, and securely parked the bus,” according to school officials.

After calling 911, Holland made sure the younger students were okay and told them to contact their parents. School officials said Holland even called his grandmother, who is a nurse, for additional support.

The driver regained consciousness and called for another bus driver to finish the route, according to Young.

“The Glen Hills school community could not be any prouder of Acie,” school officials said. “The compassion and leadership that we see him exhibit daily was taken to the next level on his bus ride home yesterday.”

Glenn Hills Middle School is in the northern suburbs of Milwaukee.

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