GUTFELD: Longtime NPR editor gets frustrated with institutional bias at public radio mainstay

GUTFELD: Longtime NPR editor gets frustrated with institutional bias at public radio mainstay

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A veteran reporter at National Public Radio went public this week, revealing that the place is staffed entirely by registered Democrats. I bet he got so frustrated with what he saw. 

URI BERLINER: I got so frustrated with what I saw was the lack of different perspectives in our coverage. What I found was 87 registered Democrats on our editorial staff, zero Republicans. Something’s gone wrong here. You know, if we’re really thinking about diversity in our coverage… The response was… it wasn’t like, “Wow.” It wasn’t like, “We’re going to change this or try and address this.” It was just more like, “Wow, that’s weird.”

Hmm. It is weird. There are 87 Democrats at NPR to zero Republicans, which sounds like NPR’s entire audience. But 87–0; talk about lopsided. That’s like the time I played ping-pong against Stephen Hawking. 

TYRUS: You should have won. 

Yeah, I should have won. But should you be surprised by this? I mean, what’s he going to tell us next — that I have great abs? Come on. We all know that.

The point is, when you overtly politicize something that’s supposed to be unbiased, you don’t just lose half your potential listeners, you create a lockstep atmosphere where any deviation from the approved message is met with hostility. So then you lose all credibility and people tune out. 

That includes a liberal audience that craves approval the way I crave Bea Arthur erotica. 

Now, NPR is publicly funded, meaning we help pay for this crap. It’s got to be the biggest waste of public funds since Kamala’s salary, and that’s a woman who struggles to spell NPR. 

But it epitomizes the broken trust between us and our government. The deranged effort to stop Trump has so deformed and weaponized our institutions, it’s like a hunchback with nunchucks. That’s alright. And why is it everything with three letters can’t be trusted? The FBI, the CIA, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, NPR… Kat! 

Because even if you hate Orange Godzilla, after Russian collusion, the Hunter cover-up, the laptop letter, all the media-approved lawfare, the average person has more faith in Trump because he says the quiet part out loud. Unlike NPR, whose hosts whisper lies like the gasping goblin himself. Speaking of: A new poll states that only 39% of Americans trust that Biden is competent, much less continent. 

And that poll was taken before Biden was spoon-fed by Univision.

ENRIQUE ACEVEDO: What, in your view, constitutes the primary threat to freedom and democracy at home? 

PRESIDENT BIDEN: Donald Trump. Seriously.

What is the Spanish word for mummy? I keep waiting for him to tip over mid-interview like a fainting goat. 

This is why all the interviewers of the president are now required to know CPR. 

Now, this reporter, Uri Berliner, is pretty brave. And let me be the first to say he did not hang himself using an NPR tote bag. But Uri lists many instances where accurate stories that might have helped Trump were held back like Brian Kilmeade in the fourth grade. 

For instance, he recounts how NPR’s main source on Russian collusion was Adam Schiff, which is like getting your news on Gaza from Rashida Tlaib. 

Schiff kept alluding to evidence, but like Hunter Biden at a Father’s Day picnic, it never showed up. And when the Mueller report debunked all of it, NPR acted like Joy Behar after pooping: just buried it and moved on.

BERLINER: [W]e were trying to damage his presidency to even find anything we could to harm him. And I think what we latched onto was Russia collusion… Was just rumors, and a lot of it based on pretty shoddy documents or evidence. We really latched on to Adam Schiff. He was like our muse to the Trump collusion story. And then the Mueller report came out and no collusion. And you know, I think we sort of went to sort of — the story kind of disappeared.

What a surprise. Relying on Schiff for truth is like having Sheila Jackson-Lee plan a moon landing. 

Berliner even admits COVID probably started in a Wuhan lab, but since NPR thought it racist, they wouldn’t report it because if it doesn’t fit the narrative, it’s gone. And this is coming from the government on COVID. But hey, no biggie, it only took millions of lives. But who’s counting — right, Dr. Fauci?

Uri Berliner, the senior business editor and a 25-year NPR veteran, accused his employer of liberal groupthink. (Getty Images)

Now, NPR’s executive editor and her team reject Berliner’s assessment: “We believe that inclusion — among our staff, with our sourcing, and in our overall coverage — is critical to telling the nuanced stories… ” the memo said. But let me translate it for you: “Screw you, we’re not changing a thing.”

Meanwhile, in the real world, NPR is as popular with people of color as a Confederate flag koozie. 

Only 6% of their audience is Black, 7% Hispanic. Numbers that reflect less than half of those populations. Meaning all this talk about diversity is just that: talk. But it scores with their core demo of liberals so milky white, they cause lactose intolerance. 

Apparently, their definition of inclusion doesn’t include reality. And so, as NPR became the DNC’s own propaganda arm, it lost its audience. Staff were laid off. Listeners who use their programs to treat insomnia switched to Relaxium. But of course, what flourished? DEI: It flooded the staff: A true staph infection. And with that, wokeism sprouted like Jerry Nadler does chins. 

Still, no Republicans. But we got the MGIPOC: the Marginalized Genders and Intersex People of Color mentorship program. Whatever that is, I’m not letting it near my anus. But eventually, unfettered bias led to broken trust. Hell, you’d get better reporting from a crazy guy yelling on the street corner. And unlike NPR, he only asks for money once. 

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