The New Jersey Legislature must not gut OPRA. We need more transparency — not less

The New Jersey Legislature must not gut OPRA. We need more transparency — not less

Thanks to The Record, information is now being provided to New Jerseyans about the machinations of the New Jersey Legislature and, by his comments (as quoted), Gov. Phil Murphy.

The Legislature had closed meetings on the Open Public Records Act in the lame-duck session. The reaction in last month’s open committee meeting was appropriate and damning. Yet Murphy is quoted as saying, “We are all in on transparency. I would think if you get something that would address some of the things I just mentioned in a fair way that doesn’t undermine transparency, that’s something that I’m open-minded to … I haven’t seen anyone with nefarious behavior here.”

The press conference room in the newly-renovated New Jersey Statehouse in Trenton on Wednesday, March 22, 2023.

The press conference room in the newly-renovated New Jersey Statehouse in Trenton on Wednesday, March 22, 2023.

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Transparency … open-minded versus closed meetings? Let’s have a series of open committee meetings with the video posted for all to see. And the committee should post examples of the “commercial” uses of OPRA that they cite. OPRA requests are public documents and can be used.

George Bumiller


This article originally appeared on NJ OPRA: Legislature must not destroy transparency

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