Medford 5th graders equip 70 postal carriers with safety whistles

Medford 5th graders equip 70 postal carriers with safety whistles

Two Medford elementary school students distributed orange whistles to 70 postal workers Saturday to protect them from danger or possible attacks.

Savannah McLaughlin and Adam Costello are in fifth grade at the Brooks School, and came up with the idea after hearing about a postal carrier attacked on Halloween in the city.

“If you ever feel unsafe on the job, blow this whistle,” said McLaughlin to postal workers Saturday morning. “They had no right to put a finger on him. Mail carriers are very important and deserve to be treated with the highest degree of respect.”

The two handed out the whistles one-by-one to each worker Saturday before they hit the road.

Both participate in the district-wide afterschool program Center of Citizenship and Social Responsibility. There, students like Savannah and Adam can brainstorm ways to safeguard their community.

“He just wanted to deliver mail for the people,” said Costello.

McLaughlin told Boston 25 Sunday, “I heard it’s happened all around Massachusetts and it’s really sad!”

They decided to distribute whistles rather than pepper spray or tasers to make sure no one else is hurt. With the help of teachers at the Brooks School, the two led a fundraiser at school to raise money for the whistles.

“I’m very proud and I just hope we can help more post offices around Medford or the state too,” said McLaughlin.

Costello added, “We know we will never see them get hurt ever again.”

Heading into middle school next year, Adam and Savannah plan to brainstorm new ways to help the city of Medford.

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