Duke Energy building more solar parks in South Carolina

Duke Energy building more solar parks in South Carolina
The Carolinas are powering up with a new investment by Duke Energy to build more solar parks.

Duke Energy released on Friday that they’re hoping to build the Robinson Solar Center, a major facility near a nuclear plant adding solar power in Chesterfield and Darlington counties.

“Making smart investments in South Carolina’s energy future is a priority for Duke Energy – one that focuses on delivering reliable, affordable service every day to the customers and communities we serve, and on transitioning to cleaner energy options and a lower carbon future,” said Mike Callahan, Duke Energy’s South Carolina state president. “The proposed Robinson Solar Center is part of the thousands of megawatts of solar that will help us do that.”

If the project is approved by the Public Service Commission of South Carolina, construction will begin in 2026 and start providing fuel-free energy by 2027.


The project will also create more than 200 new construction jobs.

According to the Census Bureau, South Carolina had the fastest-growing population in the nation in 2023. Duke Energy says those growing energy needs require a diverse mix of resources.

“We are using an ‘all-of-the-above’ approach that incorporates renewables like solar, next-generation and existing nuclear, natural gas and hydroelectric sources,” Callahan said.

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