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Almost 1,000 individuals honor a young Ukrainian reporter and volunteer fight medic eliminated in action

Nearly 1,000 people honor a young Ukrainian journalist and volunteer combat medic killed in action

KYIV, Ukraine (AP) — Almost 1,000 individuals went to an event Sunday honoring the memory of Ukrainian reporter Iryna Tsybukh, who was eliminated in action while acting as a volunteer fight medic a couple of days before her 26th birthday.

Tsybukh was eliminated while on rotation in the Kharkiv location, where Russia began its offending almost a month back.

She had actually left a note explaining how she wanted the event to be held, asking individuals to sing Ukrainian tunes and go to in vyshyvankas — standard embroidered t-shirts — rather of black clothing.

“I desire everybody to sing at the goodbye, to find out a minimum of 10 significant tunes and sing them in unison, to snuff out sadness with native tunes,” she composed. And rather of flowers, she stated, she asked individuals to make contributions to the Hospitallers Volunteer Medical Batallion, in which she served.

A big crowd collected in the yard of Kyiv’s St. Michael’s Golden-Domed Abbey, where the funeral was held. Individuals later on signed up with a column that transferred to main Self-reliance Square, a routine that has actually ended up being typical throughout funeral services of servicemen eliminated in action.

As the broad column went along main Mykhailivska Street, passing the shops and dining establishments, individuals turned to the streets and those who were strolling stopped to commemorate Tsybukh. Some knelt, consisting of kids, and males removed their caps and held them to their hearts. The crowd was shouting “Heroes don’t pass away,” while cleaning away tears.

Tsybukh’s death triggered broad response on social networks, where her letter went viral for a number of days after her death.

“Today whatever lags me, my life has actually ended, and it was very important for me to live it with self-respect: to be a sincere, kind, and caring individual,” she stated in the letter that she composed a year ago while serving in the embattled Donetsk area. Her bro shared it, as she wanted, on Instagram.

“To have the strength to be a totally free individual, one should be brave,” she composed.

As the column came to Self-reliance Square, hundreds knelt as the closed coffin covered with the blue-yellow nationwide flag was positioned at the front. Countless individuals used vyshyvankas, which are normally used for events, and took turns to approach the coffin.

Tsybukh’s buddies dispersed printed lyrics of the tunes that she wanted to be sung throughout her funeral service, consisting of tunes that have actually ended up being symbolic of Ukraine’s resistance to Russia’s armed aggressiveness.

“We will sing each passing minute, in honor of how she conserved the military with every minute,” stated among Tsybukh’s good friends through the speaker.

For 2 hours, individuals continued to approach the coffin to bid farewell.

A funeral service is arranged to be hung on Monday in Tsybukh’s home town of Lviv.

Amongst those going to the funeral were numerous soldiers, activists, reporters and individuals who followed Tsybukh on social networks.

“I am extremely grateful to everybody who is here today due to the fact that it indicates we are unified, we are strong, we will withstand,” stated Tsybukh’s pal Kateryna Serdiuk. “Her cause will survive on due to the fact that we live and we will continue”

For the previous 2 years, funeral services in Ukraine have actually ended up being everyday incidents.

“The awareness that our finest are passing away shatters the heart into pieces that can never ever be put back together,” stated Serdiuk.

Before Russia’s intrusion, Tsybukh became part of the handling group who carried out reforms of Ukraine’s public broadcaster Suspilne, she likewise managed academic tasks in remote towns in the Donetsk and Luhansk areas.

She signed up with the Hospitallers, a volunteer system, soon after the break out of the war. She had actually formerly finished a number of rotations considering that 2014, when Russia initially began armed aggressiveness in eastern Ukraine. Tsybukh assisted in the evacuation of injured soldiers from the battleground and offered numerous with emergency treatment. In November she got the Order of Benefit, 3rd class, from President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“I am a girl similar to any in France or Spain. The only distinction is that we have a totalitarian program on our border that assaulted the nation I like very much,” she stated in interview with Elle in 2022. “That is why I safeguard my nation, and I am all set to pass away to have flexibility in my nation.”

A minimum of 91 media employees have actually been eliminated considering that the break out of the war, according to the National Union of Reporters of Ukraine.

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