Family members of killer nurse’s victims deliver emotional impact statements in court

Family members of killer nurse’s victims deliver emotional impact statements in court

It’s hard enough to lose a loved one, but the families of Heather Pressdee’s victims say they lost their loved ones twice.

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In court, we heard heartwarming stories and painful memories as family members faced Pressdee for the first and final time.

>> Killer nurse pleads guilty to killing, harming care home residents with insulin

“When I heard what happened to her that’s when I cried. And I couldn’t stop crying,” Tricia Hughes, the daughter of Betty McQueenie wrote.

“We knew one day God would call our mother home. Unfortunately, God didn’t make that call for Peggy. Heather Pressdee made that call,” Keith Laskovich, the son of Marguerite “Peggy” Laskovich, said.

Their emotional and tearful victim impact statements spanned several hours as Pressdee sat emotionless.

The victims all died in nursing home facilities under Pressdee’s care.

Two men and two women survived Pressdee’s attempts, but their families say they’ll never be the same.

Betty Hutchison, 95, suffered a stroke after Pressdee gave her insulin. Her family said she lost the use of her hands and speech.

“She can’t read her bible by herself any longer, but we read and go and pray with her,” said Hutchison’s sister Sherry Gibson

If Pressdee’s sentencing was a funeral, Gibson may have delivered the eulogy.

Her family is deeply religious and told Pressdee, “One day you will stand before another judge in a higher court. We have a promise from God that he still loves you.”

A moment of grace amid understandable and overwhelming anger is the one-time Pressdee broke down in tears.

“I looked over and I saw her reaching for her Kleenex, kind of dabbing her eyes and said, ‘Lord you know what’s best. You know what had to be said here. And with your help, I tried to say it,’” Gibson said.

Most of the time, Pressdee appeared stoic and avoided eye contact during the victim impact statements. She became emotional only twice.

Before she was sentenced, Pressdee cried, apologizing to the victims’ families and her own saying, “I’m truly sorry for what I’ve done. I know I’ve impacted a lot of people’s lives.”

The judge said the sentence handed down to Pressdee reflects the depravity of her actions, and that she betrayed patients’ and families’ trust. “It brings accountability and atonement for your horrific crimes,” the judge said.

Pressdee will now spend the rest of her life in prison with no chance of parole.

Below, we’ve included a few more excerpts from Thursday’s impact statements:

“She offered us chairs, tissues, and condolences. That’s another level of cruel,” – Alecia Gallagher, granddaughter of Louise Skinner.

“All families deserve the justice of the first-degree murder charge my family got,” – Linda White, daughter of Gerald Shrum Sr.

“I hope you live to be 100,” – Marlene, relative of Jack Rogers.

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