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‘Gaza famine’ warning and Corrie ‘budgeting row’

'Gaza famine' warning and Corrie 'budgeting row'

The Observer leads with the foreign secretary warning the Palestinian people were on the brink of famine. Lord Cameron also announced the emergency deployment of a Royal Navy vessel and £9.7m in aid. Also on the front is a dramatic picture of a wave striking the shore at Porthcawl, Wales, as Storm Kathleen hit the UK on Saturday. [BBC]

Sunday TimesSunday Times

Sunday ExpressSunday Express

Mail on SundayMail on Sunday

Sunday PeopleSunday People

Sunday MirrorSunday Mirror

“Soap in budgeting row” headlines the Sunday Mirror as it reports on Coronation Street actors “angry” over a cut in hours to save cash. It claims “cash-strapped” bosses have caused panic slashing the number of stars in storylines. The tabloid quotes one insider saying of Corrie stars: “Some haven’t filmed for weeks.” [BBC]

Sun on SundaySun on Sunday

The Sun on Sunday splashes on the home of £100m Newcastle United striker Alexander Isak being hit by thieves in a raid. A car was stolen at the Swedish international’s Northumberland home, the paper says. [BBC]

Daily Star on SundayDaily Star on Sunday

An irreverent take for the Daily Star Sunday as it reports “psycho seagulls copying humans” on its front page. The paper quotes a woman saying a seagull watched a game of football on TV from the ledge of her hotel room. The British Trust for Ornithology explained the bird could be mimicking humans hoping to pick up something useful. [BBC]

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