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Houthis claim attack on merchant ship in Red Sea

A Yemeni man walks next to a billboard with images depicting the Houthi leader Abdul-Malik Badreddin al-Houthi, Lebanon Hezbollah leader Hasan Nasrallah, and Yahya Sinwar, the Hamas military leader in the Gaza Strip, displayed on a street in solidarity with Palestinians on 10 June 2024, in Sana'a

Yemen’s Houthis have actually declared an attack on a merchant ship in the Red Sea off the coast of Yemen.

A Houthi representative stated the group had actually targeted a Liberian-flagged vessel called Tutor utilizing a sea drone.

The Royal Navy’s UK’s Maritime Trade Operations (UKMTO) workplace stated it got reports of a ship being struck on the stern about 66 nautical miles southwest of the rebel-held port of Hodeida in Yemen on Wednesday.

The vessel was handling water, and not under the command of the team, UKMTO reported. No casualties were reported.

It included that the vessel was pinched hit a 2nd time “by an unidentified air-borne projectile” which military authorities were helping.

In a declaration, a Houthi military representative stated the ship was assaulted “utilizing an unmanned surface area boat, variety of drones, and ballistic rockets”, including that the ship was “seriously broken, susceptible to sinking”.

The ship was targeted “since the business that owns the ship has actually breached the choice to prohibit entry into the ports of occupied Palestine”, the declaration stated.

Reuters news company reports that the vessel was a Greek-owned freight ship.

Maritime security company Ambrey “evaluated the vessel lined up with the [Houthi] target profile at the time of the event”, according to a declaration pointed out by AFP news company.

The armed Houthi group sees itself as part of an Iranian-led “axis of resistance” versus Israel, the United States and the larger West, and has actually stated its assistance for Palestinians in the Gaza Strip.

Because November, the rebel group has actually been performing attacks on ships they state are connected to Israel in the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden, stating their actions remain in assistance of the Palestinians.

The United States and the UK have actually performed a series of attacks on Houthi targets inside Yemen in action, leading the Houthis to strike back versus ships it thinks are connected to those nations.

The rebels’ attacks on merchant vessels in the Red Sea triggered numerous shipping business to stop utilizing the waterway, through which about 12% of worldwide seaborne trade passes.

Independently, the UN has actually stated Houthis in Yemen have actually apprehended 2 more of its staff members, bringing the overall variety of workers taken by the group in the previous week to 13.

The World Health Company (WHO) stated among its employee was amongst those apprehended. WHO Director-General Dr Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus stated on X he was “deeply concerned” about the scenario.

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