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Israeli military announces ‘tactical time out’ in effort to increase circulation of help into hard-hit Gaza

Israeli military announces 'tactical pause' in attempt to increase flow of aid into hard-hit Gaza

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli armed force on Sunday revealed a “tactical time out” in its offensive in the southern Gaza Strip to enable the shipment of increased amounts of humanitarian help.

The army stated the time out would start in the Rafah location at 8 a.m. (0500 GMT, 1 a.m. eastern) and stay in result up until 7 p.m. (1600 GMT, twelve noon eastern). It stated the stops briefly would occur every day up until more notification.

The time out is focused on permitting help trucks to reach the neighboring Israel-controlled Kerem Shalom crossing, the primary entry point for inbound help, and travel securely to the Salah a-Din highway, a primary north-south roadway, to provide products to other parts of Gaza, the armed force stated. It stated the time out was being collaborated with the U.N. and global help companies.

The crossing has actually struggled with a traffic jam given that Israeli ground soldiers moved into Rafah in early May.

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