Kristen Clarke lied and must step down from the DOJ — NOW

Kristen Clarke lied and must step down from the DOJ — NOW

When you work for Joe Biden, laws really are for the little people — even when you’re in charge of enforcing them. 

Witness Justice Department civil-rights chief Kristen Clarke, who’s admitted that she lied during her 2021 Senate confirmation process. 

Asked by Sen. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) in a questionnaire if she had “ever been arrested for or accused of committing a violent crime against any person,” Clarke answered no.

In fact, she had been — on a 2006 domestic violence complaint in which she allegedly sliced open her hubby’s finger with a knife. 

Clarke’s now arguing that because the arrest was expunged she wasn’t required to disclose it to lawmakers. 

That’s precisely the kind of razor-sharp logic top Biden appointees are known for.

Then again, Clarke’s the same dunderhead who muffed a major question about First Amendment litigation last year, claiming in a congressional hearing to be totally unaware of the lawsuit by the state of Missouri against the president over government efforts against “disinformation” — a huge civil-rights issue where Team Biden had lost and was appealing to the Supreme Court.

Her defense now is beyond pathetic. 

She told an unambiguous lie to Congress. Was she thinking she’d never get caught, or that if she did, her political connections would protect her? 

It’s of a piece with the overall attitude of Biden’s circle: If you have the power, laws don’t apply to you. 

That a scofflaw like this should serve at such a high level in the Justice Department is beyond absurd.

How can someone who seemingly lies under oath be trusted with seeing that laws are properly enforced and justice is truly served?

Not that Clarke’s previous record was stellar. 

She lobbied the Obama administration, way back in 2009, to let Black Panthers who terrorized black poll workers off the hook. 

She served on an academic journal with antisemitic 9/11 truther Amiri Baraka, and lied about that too. 

In other words, she’s a radical to the bone.

But that’s a plus in this administration: Biden has remade Justice into the enforcement arm of his political agenda, siccing the FBI on (for example) parents who protest school boards. 

Ideology is what matters, not integrity.  

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