Puntland profile

Puntland profile
Puntland, an arid region of north-east Somalia, declared itself an autonomous state in August 1998, in part to avoid the clan warfare engulfing southern Somalia.

Despite its relative stability, the region has endured armed conflict, and grabbed the world headlines with an upsurge in pirate attacks on international shipping in the Indian Ocean.

Puntland is a destination for many Somalis displaced by violence in the south.

Unlike its neighbour, breakaway Somaliland, Puntland has said it does not seek recognition as an independent entity, wishing instead to be part of a federal Somalia.

However, in 2024, Puntland announced it would operate as a functionally independent state amid a dispute over Somali constitutional changes.

The territory takes its name from the Land of Punt, a centre of trade for the ancient Egyptians and a place shrouded in legend.

  • Capital: Garowe (administrative), Bosaso (commercial)

  • Area: 212,510 sq km

  • Population: 4.9 million

  • Languages: Somali, Arabic, English

  • Life expectancy: 53 years (men) 56 years (women)

President: Said Abdullahi Dani

Said Abdullahi Dani

[Getty Images]

Said Abdullahi Dani, won a second four-year term in January 2024, making him the first regional leader to win re-election since the state declared autonomy in 1998. The former federal planning minister, was first elected president in January 2019.

In his victory speech, he urged Somalis “to forget the past and open a new page for peace, development and unity”.

Former Somali foreign affairs minister Abshir Omar Jama, who was backed by the federal government, finished third.

Deni faces huge challenges in his second term, including insecurity, political wrangling with the federal government and tensions with the newly-declared Khatumo state as well as the breakaway region of Somaliland.

Screengrab of the Puntland radio station Radio Galkayo.Screengrab of the Puntland radio station Radio Galkayo.

Radio Galkayo is affiliated to the authorities [Radio Galkayo]

Although Puntland’s charter provides for freedom of the press, the authorities have resorted to detaining journalists and closing media outlets.

Private broadcasters are permitted to operate. No newspapers are currently published in Puntland.

Garowe, SomaliaGarowe, Somalia

[Getty Images]

17th-19th Century – The area of current Puntland is ruled by the Sultanate of Majeerteen – a major trading power.

1888-9 – Majeerteen and the rival sultanate of Hobyo become Italian protectorates.

1920s – Both sultanates are annexed to Italian Somaliland.

1960 – Puntland becomes part of a united Somalia with the independence and merger of the Italian and British Somaliland territories.

1998 – Puntland region declares autonomy after the rest of Somalia collapses into anarchy, but does not seek independence.

2005-2012 – Pirates – mainly operating out of Puntland – pose a major menace to shipping off the Somali coast, before falling away as a threat as a result of an international naval operation.

2024 – Puntland announces it would operate as a functionally independent state amid a dispute over Somali constitutional changes, until the changes are approved in a national referendum..

French marine commandos operate on a speed boat just off the French frigate Sirocco as part of the EU naval force combating piracy off the coast of Puntland on 26 March 2014.French marine commandos operate on a speed boat just off the French frigate Sirocco as part of the EU naval force combating piracy off the coast of Puntland on 26 March 2014.

The threat of piracy off Puntland prompted a major naval operation involving EU and other countries’ warships [AFP]

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