Recent murders in Worcester should cause alarm

Recent murders in Worcester should cause alarm

It’s been a tough spring.

There is a natural beauty that emerges every spring as the Earth awakens from its winter slumber. But spring is also a time for bad guys to get back out on the street. This year, in Worcester, that means guns, knives and murder.

In just over two months, from the middle of February until the end of April, Worcester experienced eight violent crimes — seven separate shootings and a stabbing — that left six people dead and another five injured. So far, 11 different people have been arrested. In the most shocking of these crimes, a mother and her 11-year-old daughter were ambushed and assassinated in a quiet neighborhood in the middle of the day.

Look at it in context. In just a few months this year, Worcester has already equaled the number of fatal shootings and stabbings that occurred in all of 2023.

Like I said, it’s been a tough spring.

The recent shootings may well be part of a disturbing trend in the city. Comparing 2022 to 2023, while murders went down, police crime statistics show an increase in reported gunshots, nonfatal shootings and nonfatal shooting victims. Last year the city had an average of more than two reported gunshots a day (736).

The city’s response

OK, let’s get the protests of city officials out of the way. Yes, Mr. Mayor, it’s true that Worcester’s murder rate and crime stats are less than what they experience in Fall River, Holyoke or Brockton. Sure, but that’s probably what they say in Juarez, Mexico.

And yes, Mr. City Manager, Worcester is certainly safer than Chicago and St. Louis. But that doesn’t mean that Worcester is safe. It just means that Worcester isn’t as bad as other places.

In the past, when Worcester has experienced a spat of deadly crimes, officials often fell back on the “we’re not Fall River, Holyoke or Brockton” defense. And then of course, there is the meaningless “thoughts and prayers” that they send to the families of the victims. But city officials did little else allowing the number of police officers to shrink well below the number authorized to be on the streets of the city because, well, we’re not Fall River, Holyoke or Brockton.

But this time, things seem to be different. Well aware of the increasing level of gun violence in the city, Interim Police Chief Paul Saucier had already begun planning to establish a special unit focused on gun crimes.

According to a statement that accompanied the announcement of the new unit, the Crime Gun Intelligence Unit will prioritize going after “the most dangerous individuals…including repeat gun offenders.” Saucier said that he estimates that most of the gun-related crimes involve only a small number of criminals — “less than 10 trigger pullers.” To illustrate his point, Saucier said that last year the city seized three guns that were involved in 21 shootings.

According to the chief, the unit’s job is to find and seize illegal guns and then build cases against the criminals who use them. Saucier expects the unit to collect evidence, coordinate with the state police and ATF, and conduct thorough investigations that lead to successful prosecution by the District Attorney and the U.S. Attorney. Unlike patrol officers, the people assigned to this unit won’t be pulled away to handle other calls —they’ll stay focused on the guns and the criminals attached to them.

Just a few days after it was established, on April 15, CGIU detectives recovered their first illegal firearm. Responding to a ShotSpotter activation on Channing Street, detectives performed a traffic stop pulling over a vehicle with a tinted license plate — which is illegal. With the license plate number now visible, detectives recognized the plate number as one they were looking for from another ShotSpotter activation on March 19. They uncovered a Glock 42 capable of holding more than 10 rounds of ammunition. A 19-year-old was arrested on a series of gun-related charges.

I like the focus of the new unit and Saucier deserves considerable credit for anticipating the problem and then moving quickly. But Worcester needs to do more. Currently, the city has far too many vacancies (63) on the police department rolls. Without cops on the beat, the city and its residents remain vulnerable. City officials need to graduate the current recruit class and authorize a new class immediately. Upcoming retirements from the force will only make matters worse. Failure to fill the vacant positions is malfeasance.

And while it’s a small thing, police should start stopping cars with tinted license plates. There’s only one reason to make it difficult to identify a license plate and it needs to stop.

Crime in Worcester is not out of control. And it’s certainly true that a number of cities are in much worse shape. But an increasing level of violent crime in Worcester should get everyone’s attention. Saucier has taken a step in the right direction. But the city needs to do more.

Worcester officials like to brag about all of the new investment and development going on in the city. And there’s certainly a great deal to crow about. But all the beautiful big buildings in the world won’t cover over the fear that residents and visitors feel if they are afraid to walk around the streets of their neighborhood, sit on their front steps or visit a local restaurant or bar.

Worcester shouldn’t wait until it actually becomes as bad as Fall River, Holyoke or Brockton to act.

Email Raymond V. Mariano at He served four terms as mayor of Worcester and previously served on the City Council and School Committee. He grew up in Great Brook Valley and holds degrees from Worcester State College and Clark University. He was most recently executive director of the Worcester Housing Authority. His column appears weekly in the Sunday Telegram. His endorsements do not necessarily reflect the position of the Telegram & Gazette.

This article originally appeared on Telegram & Gazette: Ray Mariano on recent murders in Worcester and need for more police

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