Russian military loses over 1,000 additional soldiers and several dozen armored vehicles – Ukraine General Staff

Russian military loses over 1,000 additional soldiers and several dozen armored vehicles – Ukraine General Staff
Russian military loses over 1,000 additional soldiers and several dozen armored vehicles – Ukraine General Staff

Ukraine’s General Staff have revealed Russian military has lost of over 1,000 more soldiers and several dozen armored vehicles in Ukraine.

The report shows that approximately 1,090 Russian military soldiers and the destruction of 10 tanks, 32 armored combat vehicles, 51 artillery systems, 2 multiple-launch rocket systems, and 44 other vehicles over the past day in Ukraine.

Read more: Russian army losses 600 soldiers and dozens of vehicles in one day in Ukraine

The total combat losses of the Russian forces between February 24, 2022, and January 31, 2024, are estimated as follows [numbers in parentheses indicate the latest losses – ed.]:

Approximately 385,230 (+1,090) military personnel;

6,310 (+10) tanks;

11,757 (+32) armored combat vehicles;

9,195 (+51) artillery systems;

974 (+2) multiple-launch rocket systems;

663 (+0) air defense systems;

332 (+0) fixed-wing aircraft;

324 (+0) helicopters;

7,100 (+16) UAVs;

1,846 (+0) cruise missiles;

23 (+0) ships and boats;

1 (+0) submarines;

12,231 (+40) vehicles and tankers;

1,452 (+4) special vehicles and other equipment.

Втрати Росії у війні проти України на 31.01.2024
Втрати Росії у війні проти України на 31.01.2024

The data from Ukraine’s General Staff as of the morning of January 31 2024 is seen in the illustration above.


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