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  • Fond du Lac YMCA gymnastics team places first at state competition

    Fond du Lac YMCA gymnastics team places first at state competition

    The Fond du Lac Family YMCA Fondy Flyers Level 5 team won first place in the team competition at the 2024 YMCA State Gymnastics Championships held in March.

    FOND DU LAC — The Fond du Lac Family YMCA Fondy Flyers gymnastic team hosted and competed in the 2024 YMCA State Gymnastics Championships March 16 and 17. Fourteen teams and 750 gymnasts from Wisconsin competed.

    The Fondy Flyers Level 5 team won first place in the team competition. Five gymnasts earned individual championship titles: Sienna Ditter (Level 7) took first place all-around, Lilia Redig (Level 9) took first place on beam and floor, and Hailey Goeke (Level 1) and Alexis Endejan (Level 5) took first place on bars.

    The full list of team places follows:


    • Second: Avery Ruch, Level 4; Kiersten Winter, Level 6; Hailey McClyman, Xcel Gold

    • Third: Nevie Krempien, Level 4; Alexis Endejan, Level 5; Aislyn Treleven, Level 5; Brooklyn Zangl, Xcel Silver

    • Fourth: Ariana Smith, Level 2

    • Fifth: Shaykennah Dawson, Level 2; Rylee Schneider, Level 5; Alizah Gilson, Level 5; Anastasia Cassola, Level 6


    • First: Hailey Goeke, Level 1; Alexis Endejan, Level 5

    • Second: Avery Ruch, Level 4; Sienna Ditter, Level 7; Harper Runde, Xcel Silver

    • Third: Jenna Kurtz, Level 2; Rylee Schneider, Level 5; Kiersten Winter, Level 6; Kiera Unke, Xcel Gold

    • Fifth: Cora Mand, Level 3; Natalie Regal, Level 4; Austin Vanden Avond, Level 5; Esmae Ingalsbe, Level 5; Morgan Rohde, Xcel Silver


    • First: Lilia Redig, Level 9

    • Second: Sienna Ditter, Level 7

    • Third: Aiyana Pantojas, Level 5; Kiera Unke, Xcel Gold

    • Fourth: Alexis Endejan, Level 5; Ella Schneider, Level 5

    • Fifth: Hailey McClyman, Xcel Gold


    • First: Lilia Redig, Level 9

    • Second: Ava Thome, Level 4; Rylee Schneider, Level 5; Anatasia Cassola, Level 6; Aubrey Goyke, Xcel Gold; Harper Runde, Xcel Silver

    • Fourth: Jenna Kurtz, Level 2; Alizah Gilson, Level 5; Piper Daleiden, Level 7; Eliana Tautges, Xcel Silver

    • Fifth: Cora Mand, Level 3; Ella Schneider, Level 5; Morgan Rohde, Xcel Silver


    • First: Sienna Ditter, Level 7

    • Second: Rylee Schneider, Level 5; Kiersten Winter, Level 6; Lilia Redig, Level 9

    • Third: Alizah Gilson, Level 5; Piper Daleiden, Level 7; Keira Unke, Xcel Gold; Harper Runde, Xcel Silver

    • Fourth: Alexis Endejan, Level 5

    The facility is at 90 W. Second St. For more information, call 920-921-3330 or visit

    ‘Remember when …’: Remember when Madame Kuony taught culinary arts out of her mansion? Here’s the story of the Postilion.

    Samaritan Cash Raffle top prize is $50,000; tickets on sale now

    Tickets are available now for the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation’s annual Samaritan Cash Raffle. The top prize is $50,000.

    The drawing will take place at noon May 8 on the SSM Health Greater Fond du Lac Facebook page. First prize is $50,000; second prize, $10,000; third prize, $5,000; fourth & fifth prize, $2,500; sixth to 10th prize, $1,000; and 11th to 20th prize, $500 each.

    Heather Boyer, left, Society Insurance president and CEO and Dr. Nathan Slinde, an SSM Health Fond du Lac Regional Clinic gastroenterology physician are co-chairs for the 2024 Agnesian HealthCare Foundation annual Samaritan Cash Raffle.Heather Boyer, left, Society Insurance president and CEO and Dr. Nathan Slinde, an SSM Health Fond du Lac Regional Clinic gastroenterology physician are co-chairs for the 2024 Agnesian HealthCare Foundation annual Samaritan Cash Raffle.

    Heather Boyer, left, Society Insurance president and CEO and Dr. Nathan Slinde, an SSM Health Fond du Lac Regional Clinic gastroenterology physician are co-chairs for the 2024 Agnesian HealthCare Foundation annual Samaritan Cash Raffle.

    Tickets are $50 each, four for $150 or nine for $300. Tickets must be purchased in person with cash or check. For more information including a list of where you can purchase tickets, visit or call 920-926-5418.

    The SSM Health Samaritan Clinic — which opened in 1992 — provides health care to around 500 underinsured patients annually. The clinic works to provide a full spectrum of care, helping individuals to navigate insurance options, finding a primary care provider, and working with local community resources if other needs arise.

    The clinic is funded in part by donations through the Agnesian HealthCare Foundation and Samaritan Cash Raffle proceeds.

    Edlbeck joins Marian University sports department staff

    Brian Edlbeck has joined Marian University as director and associate professor of exercise and sport science.

    Edlbeck brings a wealth of experience, including exercise science, nutrition, and strength and conditioning. He is active in United States of America Powerlifting and his certifications with the National Strength and Conditioning Association include Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and Certified Personal Trainer.

    A native of Ashwaubenon, he has a master’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. He is currently pursuing a Ph.D. at Concordia University, Chicago.

    Edlbeck previously was a clinical assistant professor at Carroll University, an assistant coach at the UW-Milwaukee and a strength and conditioning coach for the Colorado Rockies baseball team.

    Fine arts events set at Ripon College; public welcome

    Ripon College will offer several free fine arts events that are open to the public over the next few weeks. The following events are held in the C.J. Rodman Center for the Arts.

    • April 20: noon, Isaac Tomaschefsky senior violin and guitar recital, Demmer Recital Hall.

    • April 23: 4:30 p.m. final concert, Ripon College High School Band Festival, all day, Demmer Recital Hall.

    • April 25: 7 p.m., Choirs and Orchestra concert, featuring Faure’s “Requiem Mass,” Demmer Recital Hall.

    • April 26: Rodman Arts Celebration

      • 6 p.m., reading by Wisconsin’s Own Library poet-in-residence Sonya Lara, Caestecker Gallery

      • 6:30 p.m., Senior Art Show opening reception, Caestecker Gallery.

      • 7 p.m., One-act play, “Ties that Bind and Break,” Benstead Theatre.

      • 7:30 p.m., Jazz Ensemble and Jazz Combo concert, featuring guest saxophonist Tom Washatka, Demmer Recital Hall.

    • April 27: 4 p.m., Senior flute recital with Ben Cabala, Demmer Recital Hall.

    • April 28: 3:15 p.m., Chamber Winds and Symphonic Wind Ensemble, with appearances by adjunct instructors of music Ann Stephan, violin, and Debra MacKenzie, piano, Demmer Recital Hall.

    • April 30: 4:15 p.m., Music recital by student performers nominated by applied faculty, Demmer Recital Hall.

    • May 1: 6 p.m., Annual Lawn Concert featuring Jazz Ensemble, Symphonic Wind Ensemble and Rally Band, Memorial Lawn/Great Hall steps. A picnic dinner and beer/wine will be available for purchase. Guests can bring their own lawn chairs and/or blankets. In case of inclement weather, the concert will be presented in Demmer Recital Hall.

    Audubon Society seeks help with invasive species

    The Fond du Lac Audubon Society will hold several invasive species removals this spring. Sessions will meet 9 to 11 a.m. in April and May. They will be canceled in the event of steady rain.

    Participants should bring work gloves and long pants and long sleeved shirts are recommended. Garden boots are helpful as are tools such as a dandelion fork or a Hori Hori. Experience is not necessary.

    The locations are as follows:

    • Hobbs Woods: Meet at N4197 South Hickory Road. Dates are April 15, 17, 20, 22, 24 and May 30.

    • Lallier Park: Meet at the southern end of the park on National Avenue. Dates are April 29, May 2 and 4.

    • Kay’s Ledge: Drive east on Cty WH, up the ledge .9 miles from the 151 bypass to the entrance on the west side at N7836 County WH. Dates are May 11 and 22.

    • Peebles Trail: Meet at the intersection with Prairie Road. Dates are May 9 and 16.

    • Peebles Trail: Meet at the intersection with County K. Dates are May 18 and 25.

    • Kettle Moraine Adopted Area: Get directions from Diana Beck. Dates are May 6, 13, 20 and 27.

    For more information, contact Diana Beck at 920-922-7931 or

    SSM Health offers help with health care paperwork

    SSM Health Greater Fond du Lac has joined other national, state and community organizations to highlight the importance of advance healthcare decision-making — resulting in April 16 being designated as National Healthcare Decisions Day.

    As a participating organization, SSM Health Greater Fond du Lac will provide information and tools for the public to talk about their wishes with family, friends, and healthcare providers, and execute written advance directives (healthcare power of attorney and living will). These resources are available at or by calling 920-926-4707.

    SSM Health Greater Fond du Lac representatives will be at several locations in Fond du Lac County to offer the free information on April 16.

    Fond du Lac Family YMCA, 90 W. Second St., Fond du Lac: 8:30 a.m. to noon, with Lions Eye Bank of Wisconsin and UW Organ and Tissue Donation

    • Ripon Senior Center, 388 Murray Park Drive, Ripon: Noon to 3 p.m.

    • St. Agnes Hospital 430 E. Division St., Fond du Lac: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    • Waupun Memorial Hospital, 620 W. Brown St., Waupun: 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.

    For more information about National Healthcare Decision Day, visit

    Games and crafts featured in Ripon library programs

    Upcoming Ripon Public Library programs include games and opportunities to be creative.

    Game night for ages 16 and older will be held 6 to 8 p.m. April 17. Play tabletop board games of all kinds. Staff will be available to teach or help.

    Create Mason Jar Oil Lamps during Craft Club on April 18. The workshop will run 6 to 7:30 p.m. and is open to ages 10 and older. Youth require supervision.

    A poetry workshop for ages 11 to 17 will be 10 a.m. to noon on April 20. It will be led by Ripon College poet-in-residence, Sonya Lara. Participants will learn about lyrical literary devices, read some poetry, and write a poem.

    A Tabletop Challenge for ages 10 and older will be held April 20. From 1 to 4 p.m. players will compete in two rounds of modern board games for a chance to win prizes. Space is limited. Registration required.

    For more information or to register for a program, visit or call 920-748-6160.

    Living Smart is chance for screenings, education

    The Living Smart program will be held 8 to 11 a.m. April 20 at the SSM Health Cancer Care facility, 480 E. Division St. The program will focus on early detection, prevention, and cancer education. Participants need to register for screenings by April 15. Screenings are available to anyone ages 50 to 80 years old and the program is open to all ages.

    Free lung cancer screening assessments will be offered to determine if a low-dose CT scan is right for participants. If eligible, this exam will be scheduled at a future date. SSM Health will offer oral screenings and colon cancer screening kits (cost is $5).

    SSM Health Cancer Care provides diagnosis and treatment for cancer patients throughout a 10-county region, with locations in Fond du Lac, Ripon, and Waupun.

    Register for the Living Smart event online at or call 920-926-4130. Registration is required as space is limited.

    Audubon Society hosts spring full moon hike April 22

    A spring full moon hike will begin at 6:45 p.m. April 22 at the Eldorado Marsh. Meet in the parking lot at the end of Dike Road on the east side of the marsh.

    Participants should wear good hiking shoes and bring binoculars. The event will be canceled if there is cloud cover. The evening time should offer an opportunity to see and hear the birds in the marsh.

    Audubon programs are free and open to the public. For more information, call 920-922-7931 or email

    Treffert Way inclusive playground: Treffert Way breaks ground on new inclusive playground with sensory garden, music play and more

    Boating safety course offered over four sessions

    The Fond du Lac Coast Guard Auxiliary will present the Wisconsin DNR 12 hour Safe Boating Course from 6 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays April 23, 25, 30 and May 2 at the Fond du Lac Yacht Club, 705 Mohawk Ave.

    This course satisfies Wisconsin regulations that require completion of boating safety certification by adults born in 1989 or later who operate a boat or personal water craft. Youth age 12 to 18 may operate a boat or personal watercraft without an adult by completing this course.

    Led by Coast Guard Auxiliary and a DNR warden, course content includes boat types, legal requirements, safety rules, right of way, buoys, boat handling, emergencies and trailering. It is open to youth 12 and older and adults.

    A $10 book fee is charged. Class size is limited and registration is required. Register online at

    Contact Mara Wegner at or 920-996-7241.

    This article originally appeared on Fond du Lac Reporter: Fond du Lac YMCA gymnastics team places first at state competition

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  • Fond du Lac deputy acted in self-defense in officer-involved Drury Place shooting, DA finds; K-9 injured in incident to return to duty

    Fond du Lac deputy acted in self-defense in officer-involved Drury Place shooting, DA finds; K-9 injured in incident to return to duty

    FOND DU LAC — With the investigation concluded, more information has been released in the October officer-involved shooting at Drury Place.

    Fond du Lac County District Attorney Eric Toney said during a March 25 joint press conference with Fond du Lac County Sheriff Ryan Waldschmidt that his office found no basis to issue criminal charges against Deputy Blaine Evans and that the deputy’s actions were in self defense.

    Oct. 14, city police officers and county deputies responded in the early morning to a disturbance involving weapons in the 500 block of Drury Place, where a man inside a vehicle exchanged gunfire with Deputy Evans.

    The man, 34-year-old Kyle Massie, was treated for injuries but died on scene, and Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office police dog Iro was seriously injured during the incident and treated at a veterinary hospital. Evans was placed on administrative leave, per agency policy.

    The DOJ’s Division of Criminal Investigation investigated the incident with assistance from the Wisconsin State Crime Laboratory, the Wisconsin State Patrol and a DCI Crime Response Specialist.

    Fatal crash: Eden man dies in two-vehicle crash on snow-covered Fond du Lac County road

    Timeline of events shows gunfire lasted just more than a minute

    Waldschmidt said Evans had five minutes left in his shift when a woman called 911 at 5:54 a.m. and said she had been held against her will by Massie and had managed to escape, and that Massie had guns.

    Evans, who had read the comments over the dispatcher’s shoulder, set out with Iro in his squad car and found Massie’s vehicle a few minutes later, following it with emergency lights and sirens activated. Massie’s vehicle did not stop, even after Evans attempted a precision immobilization technique maneuver.

    When Massie drove into his Drury Place driveway off Western Avenue and crashed through the half-closed garage door, Evans parked his squad car partially in the driveway. He exited the squad car with police dog Iro and called out multiple warnings as Massie started to get out of his car with an “AR”-style rifle, Toney said.

    Evans sent Iro into the garage, and Massie opened fire first at Iro, then at Evans. The two exchanged gunfire before Massie backed his car out of the garage and struck the front of the squad car. Gunfire resumed, until the final gunshot at 6:13 a.m., determined to be fired by Massie and self-inflicted.

    The time between Evans exiting his squad car and the final gunshot was 67 seconds. He fired 45 rounds, and though two had struck Massie, neither was fatal. Massie fired 11 times.

    Immediately after the incident, personnel attempted life-saving efforts on Massie, but he died from the self-inflicted gunshot wound.

    The Fond du Lac Police Department found the woman who had escaped Massie’s residence just before the incident and took her to the department for a statement. Waldschmidt believes Massie had been on his way to look for her when Evans found him.

    Toney added Massie had no known criminal convictions.

    Stabbing incident: 50-year-old man arrested on suspicion of stabbing woman in Fond du Lac after investigation spans 3 counties

    Iro and Evans will be back in action together sometime this year

    Waldschmidt said Massie had every opportunity to surrender, and Evans defended himself to stop the threat. Additionally, without Iro, more bullets would have been fired not only at Evans, but also toward the residences behind him.

    “I know many in our community are very thankful for those people who are willing to, even at the end of their shift, move into harm’s way, not knowing what they’re going to face, but knowing there’s somebody that needs help,” he said.

    Fond du Lac County Sheriff's Office police dog Iro shows off his recovery at a press conference Mar. 25 revealing the findings of an investigation into the officer-involved shooting in October.

    Fond du Lac County Sheriff’s Office police dog Iro shows off his recovery at a press conference Mar. 25 revealing the findings of an investigation into the officer-involved shooting in October.

    After the incident, Evans cared for Iro in the garage, who had been shot multiple times. Fond du Lac Police Officer Charles Beckford, a police dog handler himself, was one of the officers to assist in treating him at the scene.

    Deputy Michael Vis, also a handler, used his K-9-equipped squad car to transport Iro, Evans and Beckford to Blue Pearl Pet Hospital in Grand Chute. Grand Chute Police Department officers assisted once the squad car exited off the highway.

    With multiple surgeries and other life-saving measures, veterinarians stabilized Iro, and one was able to offer a blood transfusion with the help of their own dog.

    Iro continues to recover and is undergoing physical therapy. Waldschmidt said the department has every reason to believe he will return to duty once he’s medically cleared, sometime this year.

    “When he came into my office last week, like he often does, he was nosing the air, sniffing around,” he said. “He’s not going to find drugs in my office, but he was sniffing for drugs, he was doing his thing.”

    Following his administrative leave, Evans will return to work in a hybrid fashion without Iro, until Iro is fully recovered.

    Evans has five years of law enforcement service and has been Iro’s handler since April 2022. The police dog has been deployed with him 143 times, resulting in locating 417 grams of marijuana, 105 grams of cocaine, 4.4 grams of heroin, 444 grams of fentanyl, 64 grams of methamphetamine, 326 grams of psilocybin (mushrooms), 215 prescription pills, 12 guns; participating in numerous searches for missing persons and fleeing suspects; and seizing more than $1,500 in cash.

    Contact reporter Daphne Lemke at

    This article originally appeared on Fond du Lac Reporter: Deputy cleared in Fond du Lac officer-involved shooting on Drury Place

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