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United States legislators meet Dalai Lama in India’s Dharamshala, triggering anger from China

US lawmakers meet with Dalai Lama in India's Dharamshala, sparking anger from China

DHARAMSHALA, India (AP) — A bipartisan United States congressional delegation consulted with the Dalai Lama on Wednesday at his house in India’s Dharamshala, triggering anger from China which sees the banished leader as hazardous separatist.

The top-level delegation, led by Republican politician Rep. Michael McCaul and consisting of Democratic previous Home Speaker Nancy Pelosi, got here a day in the past in the hillside town, which the Nobel Peace Reward laureate has actually made his head office because getting away from Tibet after a stopped working uprising versus Chinese guideline in 1959. India thinks about Tibet to be part of China, though it hosts Tibetan exiles.

The conference with the spiritual leader is anticipated to concentrate on the Willpower Tibet Act, just recently gone by the U.S. Congress, targeted at motivating discussion in between the Dalai Lama and Chinese authorities that might lead to a serene resolution to the conflict in between Tibet and Beijing. The costs will now go to the White Home for President Joe Biden‘s recommendation.

The check out comes as the U.S. and China have actually increased talks in current months, in a quote to stabilize stretched ties. However news of the check out and the topic of the costs set off quick reaction from China.

After arrival Tuesday, the U.S. delegation consulted with authorities from the Tibetan government-in-exile, which desires more autonomy for Tibet.

Numerous individuals on Wednesday collected at an abbey simply outside the 88-year-old Dalai Lama’s house, where the conference happened, waving American and Tibetan flags in assistance.

China doesn’t acknowledge the Tibetan government-in-exile and hasn’t held any discussion with the agents of the Dalai Lama because 2010.

Speaking with press reporters on Tuesday, McCaul highlighted the value of the costs, which he stated shows that “the United States of America stands with individuals of Tibet.”

Lin Jian, a representative for the Chinese foreign ministry, prompted Washington to not support Tibetan self-reliance and stated the White Home “need to not sign the costs into law,” or Beijing will take “undaunted steps,” without elaborating on what these steps might be.

“It’s understood by all that the 14th Dalai Lama is not a pure spiritual figure, however a political exile participated in anti-China separatist activities under the cape of religious beliefs,” Lin included on Tuesday, advising the U.S. side to “have no contact with the Dalai group in any type, and stop sending out the incorrect signal to the world.”

The Dalai Lama rejects being a separatist and states he just promotes considerable autonomy and defense of Tibet’s native Buddhist culture.

The Tibetan spiritual leader has a history of engaging with U.S. authorities, he has actually consulted with all current American presidents — from Jimmy Carter to Barack Obama — other than for Donald Trump and he is yet to fulfill Biden.

Beijing, on the other hand, has actually consistently asked the U.S. not to disrupt Tibetan affairs and has actually argued that individuals of Tibet have actually delighted in social stability and financial development under its guideline.

The Dalai Lama is anticipated to take a trip to the U.S. on Thursday for medical treatment on his knees, however it is uncertain if he will fulfill any authorities while there.


AP authors Krutika Pathi in New Delhi and Didi Tang in Washington contributed reporting.

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