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Why the ‘double haters’ of 2024 are various: From the Politics Desk

Why the 'double haters' of 2024 are different: From the Politics Desk

Welcome to the online variation of From the Politics Desk, a night newsletter that brings you the NBC News Politics group’s newest reporting and analysis from the project path, the White Home and Capitol Hill.

In today’s edition, senior political editor Mark Murray breaks down how the “double haters” of the 2024 race vary from the 2016 and 2020 elections. Plus, we head to Virginia’s fifth District, where Home Flexibility Caucus chair Bob Good is dealing with a GOP main opposition backed by Donald Trump and Kevin McCarthy.

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Satisfy the ‘double-haters’ of 2024 — and why they’re up for grabs

By Mark Murray

The so-called double haters — those who hold an undesirable view of both significant celebration governmental candidates — are an essential group of swing citizens, and for excellent factor.

In 2016, they broke for Donald Trump by almost 20 points over Hillary Clinton, according to the NBC News exit survey. And in 2020, they swung for Joe Biden over Trump, according to the AP VoteCast. (The NBC News exit survey in fact revealed Trump winning the double haters in 2020, though they represented simply 3% of all citizens.)

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However NBC News’ merged ballot of the 2024 race informs 2 crucial stories about these citizens: One, they’re really various from the double haters of the 2016 and 2020 elections. 2, they’re entirely up for grabs in between Biden and Trump.

In 2016, NBC News’ combined surveys discovered that double haters represented 18% of all citizens surveyed that election cycle. They were disproportionately Republicans (43% determined as Republican politician, 28% as Democratic and 21% as independent). They were extremely conservatives and moderates. And they chose the GOP to manage Congress over the Democrats by 15 points, 50% to 35%.

Consider these double haters as mainly Republicans who didn’t like Trump, however wound up ballot for him anyhow.

In 2020, nevertheless, NBC News’ combined surveys discovered the double haters of Trump and Biden comprised simply 6% of citizens — due in big part to Biden being a more popular figure than Clinton remained in 2016, and Trump being more popular with many GOP citizens than he was 4 years previously.

Unlike 2016, a bulk (51%) of these double haters were Democrats (compared to 15% who were Republicans and 20% who were independents). They were mainly liberals and moderates. And they chose Democratic control of Congress over the GOP by a massive 47 points.

Consider these double haters as the citizens who mainly backed Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren throughout the 2020 Democratic main season, and eventually wound up ballot for Biden in the basic election, according to the AP VoteCast.

In contrast to 2016 and 2020, NBC News’ merged ballot of 2024 discovers this cycle’s double haters to be divided equally amongst self-identified Democrats (31%), Republicans (31%) and independents (28%). A plurality explain themselves as moderates.

And their congressional choice is a dive ball. Forty-five percent of these double haters state they desire Republican politicians to manage Congress, while 43% desire Democrats in charge.

Bottom line: They’re totally up for grabs in November, according to our ballot.

Republicans from Trump to McCarthy are lined up versus the Flexibility Caucus chair in his main

By Ali Vitali, Bridget Bowman and Kyle Stewart

GOOCHLAND, Va. — For Rep. Bob Good, Tuesday’s main has to do with far more than the next member of Congress representing Virginia’s fifth District.

“The country is viewing,” the Virginia Republican politician informed a couple of lots fans collected outside the historical county court house on a clammy Friday night. He alerted that this race has to do with the “D.C. facility overload who wishes to purchase your seat.”

Great, who chairs the hard-right Home Flexibility Caucus, informed his fans that he is previous Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s leading target, as McCarthy seeks to remove the little group of Republicans who ousted him late in 2015. McCarthy’s very first effort failed recently when Rep. Nancy Mace of South Carolina won her main.

However McCarthy is simply one gamer lined up versus Great in a race that might see him end up being the very first member of Congress to lose to a main opposition this year. There’s likewise the most crucial recommendation in Republican politics working versus him: previous President Donald Trump.

Trump backed Good’s challenger, state Sen. John McGuire, a previous Navy SEAL and “Stop the Steal” rally individual, late last month. The previous president made a veiled referral to Great backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the governmental main, composing on social networks that Great “was continuously assaulting and battling me up until just recently.”

Trump is holding a tele-rally for McGuire on Monday night, and he appeared in a 15-second television advertisement to enhance McGuire. His recommendation might sway some citizens who were hesitant of Great in the deep-red district, which extends from the Richmond suburban areas to the state’s southern border.

“I’ve had many individuals state, ‘I don’t understand anything about you, never ever discussed in the past, however Trump’s backing you, I’ve got you,’” McGuire informed NBC News.

Great is plainly delicate about Trump backing his challenger, informing NBC News before a brief interview that everybody currently understands Trump backed his challenger — as if to blunt any concerns on it.

Great stated himself “behind President Trump,” including: “I’m sure the president will be supporting me on June 19 after we win.”

Learn More about Good’s main fight →

That’s all from The Politics Desk in the meantime. If you have feedback — likes or dislikes — email us at

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This post was initially released on

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