Clueless Trump backers trash Democrats over Jevin Hodge sex abuse issue

Clueless Trump backers trash Democrats over Jevin Hodge sex abuse issue
A lack of self-awareness doesn’t quite explain it. Obliviousness, possibly. Delusion, probably. Cluelessness, absolutely.

Brainwashed? Yeah, that must be it.

Publicly criticizing Arizona Democrats over the resignation of state Rep. Jevin Hodge, while knowing the many, many problems Donald Trump has had concerning sexual abuse allegations, is something no MAGA Republican with half a brain would dare to do.

Enter Arizona state Sen. Jake Hoffman and the social media “War Room” geniuses who speak for Trump’s toady-in-chief and U.S. Senate candidate Kari Lake.

A fake elector foolishly enters the fray

Hodge resigned from his recently appointed position in the state House after The Arizona Republic reported that he was sanctioned for violating sexual violence and sexual abuse standards while a student at George Washington University nine years ago.

Hoffman could not contain himself.

You may remember Hoffman as one of the 2020 fake electors who tried to overturn Arizona’s election and transform Trump into a dictator, for which he and the other electors are being investigated (and hopefully indicted) by Arizona Attorney General Kris Mayes.

Hoffman took Hodge’s resignation as an opportunity to trash Democrats, as well as Republican Maricopa County Recorder Stephen Richer, whose honest approach to his job irritates Hoffman.

Hodge’s problems are worse than Trump’s?

The now former Rep. Jevin Hodge

The now former Rep. Jevin Hodge

In a post on X, formerly Twitter, Hoffman said, “The ‘moral, thoughtful’ far-Left Democrat legislator @stephen_richer fawned over has resigned due to a slew of Sexual Violence allegations. Stephen is so desperate to be loved by Democrats he will praise and endorses even the worst of them.”

Imagine that. Condemning Richer because, Hoffman says, he “endorses the worst of them.”

Really? Worse than a guy who has been accused of sexual misconduct by more than two dozen women? The same guy Hoffman tried to install as an autocrat and still wants to be president?

Worse than that same guy, Donald Trump, who was found guilty by a civil jury of the sexual abuse of E. Jean Carroll, who was awarded $5 million, and then awarded $83.3 million more by a different jury in her defamation suit against Trump?

Lake and others have missed ‘red flags’

Joining Hoffman was Kari Lake’s “War Room,” which added to his post, “How did this massive red flag escape the VERY careful vetting process of Thomas Galvin and the Maricopa County Board of Supervisors?”

How did it escape them? Could it be the way Lake and Hoffman and the rest of MAGA are purposefully ignoring the 26 red flags waved by women against Trump?

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The way they missed the massive red flags that the two E. Jean Carroll juries waved? The ones with all the huge dollar signs on them.

Or, how about that great big red flag waved years back when Trump told Billy Bush on “Access Hollywood” that a celebrity like him can treat women as he wished? “Grab ’em by the p—-. You can do anything.”

In resigning from state government Jevin Hodge denied the allegations against him and wrote in part, “Public service means knowing when to lead — and it also means knowing when to step aside.”

He added that his work “on behalf of Arizona’s families to move Arizona forward has not changed. The work will not change — it will only have a different home.”

A different home will be a difficult to find if Hodge wants to reenter politics. Unless, perhaps, he switches parties.

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This article originally appeared on Arizona Republic: Trump backers foolishly trash Democrats over Jevin Hodge, sex abuse

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