Attorney calls for end to attacks on Hunter Biden by Donald Trump


An Attorney for Hunter Biden has called for an end to the continuous attacks on his client by Donald Trump. He cautioned Donald Trump to refrain from attacking President Joe Biden’s son or potentially face additional legal consequences.

Hunter Biden’s lawyer Abbe Lowell stated in a cease-and-desist letter that “we are just one social media message away from another incident.” He stated that Trump’s language has incited violence previously.

Acknowledging that Trump already confronts trials concerning allegations related to undisclosed payments and classified materials, Lowell remarked that “given Mr. Trump’s current legal issues, it would be prudent for him to avoid any further potential liabilities.”

Donald Trump, along with other Republican leaders, has consistently criticized Hunter Biden for his business dealings. Most recently, their focus has centered on a plea agreement in which the younger Biden admitted guilt to two misdemeanor charges of evading taxes and agreed to participate in a pretrial program for a firearm offense.

Referring to a social media post cited by Biden’s attorney, Trump remarked that the lead prosecutor in the case “imposed a minor penalty instead of a severe punishment.” Trump has also sought to associate both the president and his son with recently discovered cocaine at the White House.

Trump and his aides have not responded to the cease-and-desist letter.

In the complaint directed at Trump’s legal representatives, Lowell contended that Trump’s rhetoric has previously incited violence, particularly the insurrection and attack on the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021.

The lawyer representing Hunter Biden also referred to the assault on Paul Pelosi, the spouse of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, and the recent arrest of an armed individual near the residence of former President Barack Obama.

Lowell urged attorneys to “clearly communicate to Mr. Trump – if not already done – that his words have caused harm in the past and pose a threat to do so again unless he ceases.”

Additionally, Lowell emphasized that Trump’s legal team should “enlighten him on how his encouragement could further harm individuals and potentially exacerbate his own legal predicament.”

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